Dr. Abby Esau DC AVCA

Dr. Abby has always had a passion for animals. Since she can remember, she always had several horses, dogs and cats. Abby found her competitive passion early in life in a sport called Cowboy Mounted Shooting. Her passion only grew as her and her trusty POA, Chip, climbed the national ranks.

Chip had a lot of quirks at the beginning of his career. Quirks that people said were behavioral or simply the “appaloosa in him” – the most common quirk was bucking. A family friend recommended trying a horse chiropractor which changed the trajectory of their partnered success.

Not only did Chip’s health tremendously increase; Abby found her dream career.

Dr. Abby’s competitive edge showed from an early age, not only in the competition arena, but in the academic realm. While finishing high school, she simultaneously completed collegiate courses, as well. By doing this, she was able to begin her doctorate work by attending Parker University in the Spring of 2020 – one of the youngest doctoral candidates of her class. 

In April of 2021, Dr. Abby began the additional certification courses for animal chiropractic work at All Creatures Every Spine (“ACES”.) Dr. Abby excelled in these courses and completed ACES in December of 2022. She graduated from Parker University in August of 2023 with her doctorate in both human and animal chiropractic.

Upon receiving her doctorate, she additionally received her certification license from the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. She continues practicing and specializing animal chiropractics in Oklahoma and Texas.

Dr. Abby says, “It has always been my dream to help all animals to reach their full potential. Winning a world championship on Chip would not have been possible without the diagnostic treatment of the first chiropractor Chip saw. That feeling of finally ‘figuring the issue out’ is one that never goes away. I guess you could say that competitiveness and drive of success in the competition arena is present in my work life, as well. I truly want to help make our furry counterparts feel their best. Having someone trust me with their partner is something I will never take for granted.”